
Whole Woman’s Health: Sisterhood is Powerful

At Whole Woman’s Health, sometimes we have some really amazing support people come in with our patients. Mothers, boyfriends, husbands, fathers and friends – we’ve even had entire families (cousins and in-laws included) in our waiting rooms at the same time.

Recently one of our patient’s big sister wrote a particularly touching entry in one of our patient journals. We’re sharing it with you, in tribute to the family and friends that give their support to our patients – but in this case, a special tip of the hat goes to the big sisters who illustrate such immense faith in our patient’s futures.

Here’s to big sisters!


I’m here with my little sister for her follow-up appointment. I was originally very disappointed in her being so irresponsible and pissed that she was having sex at all. I really was going through a range of emotions but realized very soon that just as I was a mother at 16, she would be too. All my pain, struggles, and failures would now be hers. All the crap my kid went through, her child would have to go through too. I had a man with a job, I had a supportive mother and thought I could do it and do it well. I had no idea what I was in for. My child is 15 and will be getting on birth control ASAP. This was an awakening for me. I feel responsible for not getting my little sister on birth control before now. I will not make that mistake ever again.

I never saw abortion as an option for our family and judged others for taking “the easy way out.” I do NOT feel that way anymore. This was far from an easy decision. I feel like the “easy” decision was just getting on welfare and winging it. “You got pregnant, now deal with the consequences.” But my child went through hell with me because I chose that for her. My sister doesn’t have the boyfriend, job, supportive mother/father, or even a driver’s license. It’s not fair to bring a life into this world because you have to pay for your mistakes. That kid pays for your mistake more than you do!

The decision shouldn’t be an easy one, but it should be an adult decision! An adult decision that requires a serious look at what you’re bringing a child into and if you are in any position to be a parent. I’m absolutely sure that my 16 year old sister made the right choice for her and her future family. I’m so proud that she took the time and made the choice without being a childish teen who thinks it’s all a game and all about her. When you get pregnant, it’s not about you anymore. No matter what you choose, it’s not about you. Making the decision is hard, but when done with support and love, it helps.

Be strong and positive. Don’t be ashamed. Be responsible. Own your future. God loves us all. He forgives. It’s us that have issues with forgiveness. I’ve learned to not judge others about stuff I don’t know.

There will be a family in my sister’s future and I know that she will be a great mommy and her babies will have it made. Her husband will be supportive and loving. She will be a successful career woman with a savings account. She will be able to give her family the life she knows they deserve.

